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About Our Work

We work with people and organizations who are routinely denied access to local social, political, and economic support systems, whether due to their organizational size or structure, their location, or language or cultural barriers. By directly providing financial, human, and other resources, we reallocate wealth and knowledge in service of health and wellbeing. 

In our partnerships, we aim to do two things at once:

  • Help build the capacity of our partners to get what they need in the here and now.

  • Support the larger work of disrupting unjust systems and replacing them with new, just ones.

Current Partners

We support our partners with grants funded by donations to Minga -- but this is only part of what Minga offers. Our volunteer board bring deep and wide expertise to the table, sharing knowledge, making connections, and creating systems that l

Peacekeeper Society

  • Supporting community-based programs focused on ensuring families are healthy, happy, independent, and connected to their cultural traditions

  • Building organizational capacity for monitoring and evaluation of programs

  • Pathways include emergency response/mutual aid, traditional foods, grief recovery, water access, and more


Yakama Indian Reservation 

July, 2023
We can't wait to learn more about Peacekeeper Society's work at the intersection of cultural preservation and community health in the year to come!

Nancholi Youth Organization (NAYO)

  • Improving access to youth friendly health services

  • Advancing gender equity within the organization and in the community

  • Promoting community radio for health and gender equity



Nancholi, Malawi


July 2016



Board President, Brennan Keiser spent eight weeks in Malawi to jump start Minga's partnership with NAYO. Since then, NAYO has taken full ownership of their new skills, especially proposal development, which has allowed them to secure multiple large grants for their gender equity campaign and health clinic. Project evaluation and data capture have also been key assets as the organization has grown to more than 30 employees.


  • Constructing of a clean drinking water system

  • Restoring and expanding a community açaí orchard to improve nutrition and provide an economic alternative to unsustainable logging

  • Formalizing a community association to sustain momentum over the long term



Carrazedo, Brazil



October 2015



The focus of Minga's collaboration with the community of Carrazedo has been to construct a clean water system and revitalize an açai orchard. The project provides an economic alternative to logging, which is the dominant industry in the region. Carrazedo is a small and very remote riverside community of quilombola people, descendants of runaway African slaves. After two centuries of isolation, discrimination, and government neglect, our partners in Carrazedo reached a huge milestone, formalizing their first ever community association, ARQDVC.

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